Call for Speakers – VIPSS 2025 December 5th, 2024 Please note that the call for speakers closes December 31, 2024. The Advisory Board for the 27th Annual Victoria International Privacy and Security Summit is pleased to announce that the Call for Speakers is now open.Subject matter experts working within the privacy and information security communities are invited to submit papers on their area of expertise. Of particular interest are briefs on cutting-edge subjects and themes suitable for presentation in either a panel session or keynote address. This three-day conference draws an international audience focused on policy, programs, law, research and technologies aimed at the protection of privacy and security.Date: March 11-13, 2024Location: Victoria Conference Centre, Victoria, British Columbia2025 Summit - Suggested Topics: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning AI Frameworks Biological Data Blockchain & Crypto Currencies Bug Bounty Hunters Digital ID Financial Cyber Crimes Indigenous Data Sovereignty Misinformation/Disinformation Operational Security Privacy Legislation Quantum Computing Ransomware State Sponsored Terrorism Transnational Security Threats Youth Privacy Deadline:All entries must be received by midnight of December 31, 2024. Invited speakers will be notified by January 17, 2025.Submissions:Submissions will be accepted electronically using the form below. Have Questions or Need More Information?For conference content, themes and agenda questions, please contact: info@rebootcommunications.comFor venue and conference administration questions, please contact: Reboot Communications Ltd. at 1-250-388-6060, or logistics@rebootcommunications.comFor sponsorship questions, please contact Reboot Communications Ltd. at 1-250-388-6060 or sponsorshipinfo@rebootcommunications.comSubmissions will only be accepted electronically Call for Speakers - Submission FormNames, titles and qualifications (degrees) of all the speakers:Speaker Name Email PhoneJob TitleQualifications Institution / OrganizationCity, Province/State, CountrySpeaker BioVirtual or In-PersonPlease indicate if you would be looking to participate virtually or in-person at the Victoria Conference Centre in Victoria, BC (please note all delegates will be in-person this year and we would prefer all of our speakers be able to attend in-person as well)Additional Speaker InformationPlease list details below of any additional speakers that would be part of this session.Presentation detailsTitle of SessionPresentation Type (ex. keynote or placement on a panel)Theme or TopicSession AbstractAudio Visual RequirementsCAPTCHA Δ Reboot Communications Ltd. - Communications Team