
It’s time to check our privacy settings

February 14th, 2018

BC is home to some of the most cutting edge genomics technology, research and clinical activities in the world. There is, however, an increasingly urgent need to share and aggregate genomics data to maximize the possibilities of this exceptional cluster. In research and clinical settings there is a huge amount of genomics data being generated […]

Dr. Catalina Lopez-Correa - Chief Scientific Officer & Vice-President Sectors, Genome BC

In January 2016, Dr. Catalina Lopez-Correa joined Genome BC as Vice President, Sector Development and CSO. With over 18 years of international experience in both the academic and private sectors, Dr. Lopez-Correa brings her deep understanding of genomics to the Genome BC leadership team. Dr. Lopez-Correa holds an MD from UPB University in Colombia, a […]