Paul F. Davis

President, WhoKnozMe

Paul F Davis is the architect and visionary for Collaborative Solutions for Active Living Inc. (CS4) and its unique object-relational data model WhoKnozMe® V2.0 (wkMe!). WkMe! features designed privacy and security plus a “Master Application”, called LifeLine is preloaded into each individually managed MariaDB node. The node referred to as a Virtual Safety Deposit Box (vSDBox). LifeLine is a platform designed to organize an end-user’s personal and private information within an extensive Health and Wellness application framework. There are two primary applications: the LifeLine electronic Personal Heath Record (ePHR) and integrated Life and Treatment Plan.

Paul has over 45 years of experience in electrical engineering, technical solutions sales of CAD-CAM, GIS, and document management solutions. Paul co-created and architected the original relBuilder (2000) and relModeller (2012) data models functioning as an object-relational business, human intelligence, and social network platform, the precursor for WhoKnozMe® V1 and 2. Prior to CS4, he worked in business management, evaluations, and M&A plus served as a board of director on various public, private, and not-for-profit companies.

Privacy and data protection has been central to the evolution of WhoKnozMe® data model. Paul integrated the privacy and data protection policy into a highly secured data model. His privacy and security education and mentorship were provided by James R Marlon Lambert, a CS4 Co-Founder, who researched and authored CS4’s first Personal Information Privacy and (data) Protection Policy (PIP3v1). The Version 2.0 of both the WhoKnozMe® data model and PIP3 allowed CS4 to move from a single monolithic MariaDB to a single Master Enterprise and, on registration, add one of an unlimited number of individually managed data nodes created using MariaDB + Kubernetes. Each vSDBox is populated with the Master Application.

CS4’s software provides a simplified privacy and security model for end-users to classify and provide access to their private information. The PRV-ACUTE™ Algorithm (Privacy Role Validation – Access Create Update – Transaction Encryption) sets a default PRV-ACUTE™ setting for each of 13 user-role types. Access is granted (or revoked) from a “Contract Relationships (CRel).” The “Owner” creates the CRel between themselves and one or more parties and selects User-Role and its PRV-ACUTE™ Credentials. The Multi-Function Platform (wkMe!-MFP) can be used as an integrated privacy, security, and sovereignty governance and compliance framework.