Dr. Ramneek Dosanjh

Past President, Doctors of BC; Physician

Dr Ramneek Dosanjh is an impassioned visionary leader, as the immediate Past President of Doctors of BC, she played an instrumental role in BC’s recent healthcare reform and transformation with the creation of a new longitudinal family physician payment model and negotiation of an unprecedented amount of new funding for primary care.

She created the first of its kind Health and Justice Alliance, an intersectoral allyship between doctors and lawyers to transform the family justice system.

She currently serves on the Physician Services Committee, BC Coroners Service Illicit Drug Toxicity Death Review Panel and the Inaugural Provincial Digital Health Leadership Committee, as well as the Governance and Nominating Committees for Doctors of BC.

She has served on the Doctors of BC Representative assembly since its inception and was the President of BC Family Doctors in 2018-2019. She initiated the formation of the Provincial Child Youth Mental Health Substance Use Community of Practice and also participated on the Child Health BC board and White Rock South Surrey Division of family practice for four years.
She is a mother to 3 daughters, an author, family doctor & hospitalist. She is fiercely dedicated to social Justice, healthcare equity and disrupting systems by challenging the status quo.