Dr. Lester Russell

Global Chief Medical Officer, Fujitsu

As Global Chief Medical Officer within Fujitsu’s Global Business, Lester draws on his combined skills and experience in clinical, commercial and health service roles. In his role leading the Fujitsu global healthcare programme, Lester drives the company’s strategic direction and market positioning in healthcare. He is responsible for engagement with clinicians across care settings, represents Fujitsu within international and national regulatory and advisory groups, and provides clinical input to business development activities. Appointed to his current role in 2008, Lester joined Fujitsu in 2004, bringing a wealth of experience of working in senior medical advisory roles and his practical experience as a GP with an enthusiasm for the utilization of ICT to improve healthcare. Whilst practising as a full-time GP in a large progressive NHS general practice in the early phase of his career, Lester originated and founded the e-consultation web-site, e-gp.com. During this 12 year period, he also successfully implemented a practice takeover and practice merger and drove innovation in the practice, setting up one of the first co-located complementary medicine centers. Today, Lester continues to practise as a part-time GP in the South of England. He holds an MBA from the Open University Business School, the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and is a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners.