Derek Manky
Global Security Strategist, Fortinet
Derek Manky has dedicated his career to security, research and education. He formulates security strategy based on years of threat and industry knowledge, with a goal to make a positive impact towards the global war on cyber crime. Manky has presented his research and strategy world-wide at many security conferences, while educating on cyber-security awareness. He has been recognized as a thought leader in the industry, and is regularly featured in top tier publications and podcasts.A lead author of Fortinet’s Threat Report, Manky blogs, writes, and records video reports on breaking security developments and strategy. He designed the company’s responsible disclosure policies, which have been reliably used for years to report and disclose critical, zero-day vulnerabilities.

Derek Manky has dedicated his career to security, research and education. He formulates security strategy based on years of threat and industry knowledge, with a goal to make a positive impact towards the global war on cyber crime. Manky has presented his research and strategy world-wide at many security conferences, while educating on cyber-security awareness. He has been recognized as a thought leader in the industry, and is regularly featured in top tier publications and podcasts.A lead author of Fortinet’s Threat Report, Manky blogs, writes, and records video reports on breaking security developments and strategy. He designed the company’s responsible disclosure policies, which have been reliably used for years to report and disclose critical, zero-day vulnerabilities.