Cara-Lynn Stelmack

Portfolio Officer, Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta

Cara left her civil litigation practice to begin her career in privacy and access joining the Calgary Police Service in 1997 as FOIP Coordinator. At the Calgary Police Service, she was responsible for the implementation and administration of the FOIP section. Since leaving the CPS in 2003, she has acted as a consultant to both private and public sector parties on a variety of issues dealing with policy development, legal counsel or as a privacy officer. She was one of the founding members of the Canadian Bar Association, Privacy and Access Law Subsection for Southern Alberta, worked with Service Alberta in the creation of an information bulletin and forms with respect to law enforcement and FOIP, and was involved with teaching and curriculum development for the University of Alberta, Faculty of Extension, Information Access and Protection of Privacy Certificate Program (IAPP). Currently, she is a Portfolio Officer with the Alberta Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner with respect to the Personal Information Protection Act.