Alex MacLennan – VIPSS24

Assistant Deputy Minister and CTO, OCIO-Enterprise Services, Ministry of Citizens’ Services, Province of BC

Alex MacLennan was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister & Chief Technology Officer, OCIO – Enterprise Services, Citizens’ Services on August 28, 2020.

As Chief Technology Officer and Assistant Deputy Minister for the Enterprise Services Division (ES), Alex is responsible for enabling Government to deliver services to citizens by providing high quality, secure and cost-effective information management and technology services. Enterprise Services provides the public service and many broader public sector organizations with data and voice networks, workstations and mobile devices, messaging and collaboration services, information security, data centre and application hosting, licensing, strategic technology procurements and enterprise IT Change Management.

Before joining Citizens’ Services, Alex worked in the Office of the Premier as the Assistant Deputy Minister for Cabinet Operations and Deputy Cabinet Secretary. Alex has held several executive roles with the BC Public Service during his 20 years of service including Executive Director of Social Policy with Treasury Board Staff, Executive Director of the Road Safety Initiative with the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and Executive Director of Strategic Design with the Government Digital Experience.

Alex is passionate about public service and is always striving to build high performing organizations that improve services and outcomes for citizens.