Timothy Grayson
Director Product Development, Canada Post Digital Delivery
Timothy Grayson exposes simple truths in simple—and entertaining—ways. In his last book, The Spaces In Between, he encourages and provides tools for different thinking and new perspectives. For 25-years, Timothy has innovated in software, investment management, online travel, and postal services. He’s been a recognized, thought leader in digital identity, mobile marketing, and digital geo-location. Timothy’s writing has appeared in magazines, newspapers, and online forums. He speaks often on innovation, the future of IT, and better futures. Currently he is leading Canada Post’s business initiatives around enterprise single sign-on and externalizing and asserting to other online service providers the authenticity of those users, proofed to various levels of assurance, to advance Canada’s digital economy.

Timothy Grayson exposes simple truths in simple—and entertaining—ways. In his last book, The Spaces In Between, he encourages and provides tools for different thinking and new perspectives. For 25-years, Timothy has innovated in software, investment management, online travel, and postal services. He’s been a recognized, thought leader in digital identity, mobile marketing, and digital geo-location. Timothy’s writing has appeared in magazines, newspapers, and online forums. He speaks often on innovation, the future of IT, and better futures. Currently he is leading Canada Post’s business initiatives around enterprise single sign-on and externalizing and asserting to other online service providers the authenticity of those users, proofed to various levels of assurance, to advance Canada’s digital economy.