Roxanna Dehghan

Director for Privacy Governance and Operations, Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)

Roxanna Dehghan is the Director for Privacy Governance and Operations at Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA), where she provides strategic direction and leadership across all aspects of privacy governance and operation, including policies, practices, education, information stewardship, data governance, audit. Roxanna leads provincial privacy programs that impact all BC health authorities and she, along with her team, leads the development of provincial standards in such programs. Internal to PHSA, Roxanna and her team provide guidance, support, education and awareness to staff, physicians and researchers employed by PHSA to ensure compliance to British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Although new to healthcare, Roxanna is not new to public sector privacy, she previously worked within Information Privacy and Security team with the Government of British Columbia Ministry of Citizen Services prior to PHSA. Roxanna holds a Masters of Information, her specialization was Identity Security and Privacy from the University of Toronto and she also has her certified privacy professional certification for Canada and Europe (CIPP/C and CIPP/E) with the International Association of Privacy Professionals. Outside of privacy work, Roxanna enjoys, hiking with her dog Bernie, cycling, skiing and exploring all over British Columbia for the best surf spot.