Mary Golab
Portfolio Officer, HIA, Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta
Mary Golab has been with the OIPC since April of 1998. During her employment with the OIPC she has held various positions including Intake Officer, Senior Records Officer and Registrar of Inquiries and has gained expertise in the area of access to information and privacy-related issues. Mary Golab is currently a Health Information Act Portfolio Officer, a position she has held since July of 2011. Mary holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters of Library and Information Studies from the University of Alberta and is also a graduate of the Information Access and Protection of Privacy Act Certificate Program from the Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta.

Mary Golab has been with the OIPC since April of 1998. During her employment with the OIPC she has held various positions including Intake Officer, Senior Records Officer and Registrar of Inquiries and has gained expertise in the area of access to information and privacy-related issues. Mary Golab is currently a Health Information Act Portfolio Officer, a position she has held since July of 2011. Mary holds a Bachelor of Arts and a Masters of Library and Information Studies from the University of Alberta and is also a graduate of the Information Access and Protection of Privacy Act Certificate Program from the Faculty of Extension, University of Alberta.