Lydia Hwitsum
Chairperson, Board of Directors, First Nations Health Authority
Lydia Hwitsum serves as Chairperson on the Board of Directors for the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). The First Nations Health Authority Board of Directors is the corporate governance arm of the BC First Nations health governing structure. Their role in the negotiation and implementation of the transfer of regional operations of First Nations Inuit Health Branch – BC Region to the First Nations Health Authority will change the way health care is designed, administered and delivered to BC First Nations. Lydia graduated from University of Victoria’s Law School; she has a Certificate in the Administration of Aboriginal Government, a Diploma in Public Sector Management, and training in Conflict Resolution. Lydia has held a number of prominent leadership positions, including Chief of Cowichan Tribes, Task Group member of the First Nations Summit, BC Region elected representative on the Assembly of First Nations National Women’s Council, and former Chair of the First Nations Health Council. She also has served on a number of Boards, including at the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, the Land Title and Survey Authority, and the Tele’ethw Aboriginal Capital Corporation.
Lydia Hwitsum serves as Chairperson on the Board of Directors for the First Nations Health Authority (FNHA). The First Nations Health Authority Board of Directors is the corporate governance arm of the BC First Nations health governing structure. Their role in the negotiation and implementation of the transfer of regional operations of First Nations Inuit Health Branch – BC Region to the First Nations Health Authority will change the way health care is designed, administered and delivered to BC First Nations. Lydia graduated from University of Victoria’s Law School; she has a Certificate in the Administration of Aboriginal Government, a Diploma in Public Sector Management, and training in Conflict Resolution. Lydia has held a number of prominent leadership positions, including Chief of Cowichan Tribes, Task Group member of the First Nations Summit, BC Region elected representative on the Assembly of First Nations National Women’s Council, and former Chair of the First Nations Health Council. She also has served on a number of Boards, including at the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, the Land Title and Survey Authority, and the Tele’ethw Aboriginal Capital Corporation.