Louis Beauséjour

Assistant Deputy Minister, Integrity Services Branch, Service Canada

Louis Beauséjour was appointed Assistant Deputy Minister of the Integrity Services Branch, Service Canada, in June 2012. He is fully committed to help deliver on our mission to create better outcomes for Canadians through service excellence within Service Canada and our other partners. Prior to joining Service Canada, Louis served as the Associate Assistant Deputy Minister (AADM) of the Skills and Employment Branch Employment (SEB) at Human Resources and Skills Development Canada. In this role, he lent his leadership talents to developing programs and initiatives that promote skills development, labour market participation and inclusiveness, as well as ensuring labour market efficiency. Louis oversaw the work to promote skills development for Aboriginal people, guided the Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy, and literacy for all Canadians, through the Office of Literacy and Essential Skills. He also improved labour market participation for underrepresented groups, through Foreign Qualification Recognition and the development of an innovative Microloans pilot project. With an overall goal of improving labour market efficiency, Louis worked to ensure that the Temporary Foreign Worker program achieved a careful balance between ensuring that employers had access to qualified workers, and that Canadians were always considered as a first option. Prior to his appointment as AADM, Mr. Beauséjour was Director General of the Employment Insurance Policy Directorate within SEB. He also spent five years within the Treasury Board Secretariat, where he led compensation planning for the Public Service. He has also held various positions within the Department of Finance where he was able to strategically apply his economic expertise. Mr. Beauséjour holds a master’s degree in Economics from the University of Laval in Quebec (1991), as well as a bachelor’s degree in Agroeconomics (1985). On a personal note, Mr. Beauséjour is a proud father of three children who enjoy camping, running as well as cycling; no doubt you will often see him commuting by bicycle to work.