Drew McArthur

Founder, McArthur Consulting Group

Drew was formerly Vice President Corporate Affairs and Chief Compliance Officer for TELUS Communications, Canada’s second largest telecommunications provider. As Chief Compliance Officer, Drew was responsible for legal and regulatory compliance for all of TELUS’ operations, reporting to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors. A major part of the Chief Compliance Officer role for TELUS was that of Privacy Officer. Drew was accountable for the development and implementation of TELUS’ privacy policy, which has been independently recognized as an industry-leading policy. As part of his Privacy Officer role, Drew was involved in fostering a greater understanding of the practical applications of Canada’s private sector privacy legislation. He was a founding member of the Canadian Council of Chief Privacy Officers operating in conjunction with the Conference Board of Canada, and was a long-standing member of their executive committee. In 2004 Drew founded a cross-industry networking association in British Columbia, to assist privacy practitioners in B.C. with understanding the implications of private sector privacy legislation. In 2006 Drew worked with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), an international organization dedicated to privacy education, to develop the Canadian professional certification program, and was the first individual to achieve the designation of Certified International Privacy Professional of Canada (CIPP/C). In 2007 Drew founded The McArthur Consulting Group and is working with a variety of clients assisting them with strategic initiatives, policy development and practical solutions for managing their business. He is currently assisting the Information and Privacy Commissioner of British Columbia by serving on her external advisory committee.